Tuesday 26 July 2011

The Shoot Begins (Rusting it Up)

For the last week leading up to the shoot I had been working like crazy getting all the props and set dressings in place ready for the shoot. On top of Art Department I was also working on costume, which was a whole other job in itself especially for a post apocalyptic Sci-Fi.

While on set I make a habbit to age and rust anything metal that was too shiny. I left some brand new chains in a bucket with vinegar and bleach over night, the results were delightful. I used the same recipe and added it to a spray bottle and sprayed it on cans, this require a few recoats but it got there eventually.

I created a rust paste out of cinnamon, water and a hint of black paint. I painted it over anything small I may have missed it came in very handy.

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