Tuesday 26 July 2011

The Shoot Begins (Rusting it Up)

For the last week leading up to the shoot I had been working like crazy getting all the props and set dressings in place ready for the shoot. On top of Art Department I was also working on costume, which was a whole other job in itself especially for a post apocalyptic Sci-Fi.

While on set I make a habbit to age and rust anything metal that was too shiny. I left some brand new chains in a bucket with vinegar and bleach over night, the results were delightful. I used the same recipe and added it to a spray bottle and sprayed it on cans, this require a few recoats but it got there eventually.

I created a rust paste out of cinnamon, water and a hint of black paint. I painted it over anything small I may have missed it came in very handy.

Sunday 10 July 2011

This week I began to dress the set for Kane's shelter. The shelter is an old stable with blue stone walls, a small window and brick floors. It's located on my dad's property in Epping, 30 minutes North East from Melbourne.
     To prepare the first thing I needed to do was clean out the remnants of old five year old horse poo and hay which had flatterened out like a pancake onto the brick floor. Luckily I got a lot of help with clean out, gave the dirty floor a good sweep out to really bring up the bricks once again.
     I placed a barbed wire netting over the window to give it a jail look. Here is a photo of the stable before it had been cleaned out:

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Retribution Shoot

Shooting for my side project Retribution has began.
One of the main set dressings for the film was the wallpaper which seemed like a pretty easy thing to create, the idea being create a stencil and spray on some white paper.
The first problem was a lack of space and the weather being winter and all wasn't suitable to make outside. My next solution was so create a copy of the stencil and cut out each part then paste it onto a white stripe of paper.

It took a few hours longer then spraying but had a much cleaner result and post people thought I had printed the pattern onto the paper which is what I was hoping it would look like. Here is a snap shot I took from the set:

The second day of shooting went well and found it can save money and effort if you hire props where you can such as a table and chairs for the bar scene. For the bar itself I got a friend to build a portion of a bar which was later extended for the wide shot using black fabric. I was pleased with the end result and the film went well. Hopefully I can upload some stills soon!