Wednesday 8 June 2011

About Me

I'm a film student and it wasn't until about a year ago that I really discovered a passion for production design in film.

I began to study film just because I love the art of it so much, I still remember the first film I saw at the cinema The Lion King back in 1994. My childhood consisted of weekly trips with my father to our local cinema. He too loved film.

It wasn't until year 10 when we had to do an assignment about a job we would like to pursue after school. I found a book called 101 Jobs in Film and Television. I never realised till then how many people with different skills it took to create a film and I wanted to be part of that.

I started a bachelor course at Holmesglen Tafe in Screen and media specialising in live production. I wasn't sure what area of film making I wanted to follow and tested out all areas. I often got praise about my script writing and had spent a lot of time prior to film school simply writing short stories for the fun of it. It was something I enjoyed but required a lot of discipline. 

I eventually tried production design in a short film called Game On. It was great, I was able to express myself creatively work with all different areas of the crew be apart of the on set action, something that being a script writer doesn't require.

I went of to work on a few VCA films in the art department as well as taking a production design role for a Swinburne film gaining as much experience as I could.
In the future I would love to work as an attachment to a production designer in the industry or even continue to study in production design.

This year I undertook the role of production designer for a short sci fi film called The Liberator.
This blog will follow my process, what I learn along the way and what I feel I could do better.

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